Elevated X Adds Free Service for Processing Non-Compliant Content Reports for the Visa Integrity Risk Program (VIRP)

Discover Elevated X's free service for processing non-compliant content reports, ensuring your website stays compliant with Visa Integrity Risk Program (VIRP) standards. Learn how our dedicated team supports you in managing digital content responsibly.

Elevated X Adds Free Service for Processing Non-Compliant Content Reports for the Visa Integrity Risk Program (VIRP)

In our ongoing commitment to providing the best support and compliance solutions for our clients, Elevated X is excited to announce a free service designed to assist website operators in adhering to the Visa Integrity Risk Program (VIRP) requirements.

All Elevated X powered website operators can take advantage of our hosted complaint report page and online form. This feature allows for the easy and efficient reporting of non-compliant content, ensuring prompt evaluation and processing by our dedicated, 100% US-based in-house staff located in California and Nevada.

Why This Service Matters

The introduction of this service comes in response to increasing oversight by Visa through its acquirers, who are conducting audits on their high-risk portfolios. Segpay president and CEO Cathy Beardsley explained in her latest XBIZ article tbat, “Visa conducts oversight through acquirers, many of whom are going through audits. In these audits, Visa is digging into their high-risk portfolios and looking at how well adult merchants are managing to adhere to the VIRP standards. We are getting word from our U.S. acquiring partners about similar audits, and to be on standby for reviews of our existing merchants.”

At Elevated X, we understand the importance of compliance with emerging bank or card issuer policies. This service underscores our commitment to ensuring that each of our clients remains fully compliant with all applicable requirements.

It's important to us to ensure with total certainty that each of our clients is in compliance with any emerging bank or card issuer policies. This month we started our initial roll out to all ELXComplete website service clients, and invite all self-managed Elevated X software clients to make use of this free service.

How It Works For You

The process is simple. As a website operator, you can link to a centralized form provided by Elevated X, making it easy for your viewers to report content they believe is non-compliant. Our in-house team will then handle these reports, ensuring a swift and thorough evaluation process.

Join Us in Staying Compliant

For more information on how to implement this service into your website, please contact Elevated X support. Our team is ready to assist you in making the transition smooth and ensuring your site meets all VIRP requirements.